Saturday, January 10, 2009


I am in Oxford, finally, and starting to adjust to all of the new things that I have encountered in the past few days.
This morning when I woke up and remembered I was in England, I was a little sad and wondering how I was going to not miss home for 4 months. I was also a bit sad because it was Jason and my 4 month anniversary and for the fact that he could not be here.
Then, I kind of just said a little prayer that God would help me to get used to things and enjoy the people here.
Again, I am discovering that prayer and good intentions work.
I got to meet a bunch of great girls from the other house that I really connected and had fun with. We got to explore the city center and even go to our first pub: the Eagle and Child (you might know it as the meeting place of the Inklings, which included C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien!) It was awesome and a fun taste of Oxford.
After today's adventures, I am feeling much more excited about the semester and ready to dive into exploring, making friends, studying and pubbing! =)


  1. Yeah it was sad that we could not be together today, but it makes me happy to know that you went out and had a good time anyway! I am very proud of you.


  2. Grace, it sounds awesome there! I know you'll find your rhythm soon and start to love it! I'll miss you when I get back this week :(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Go grace! I'm so happy you're there. Did you see all the bikes outside the train station?!?! ridiculous. Please go play in London for me. Just yesterday Jeran and I were reminiscing. Please savor every moment. please. thanks.

  5. yayaya! i'm so jealous i could spit! how's the weather?

  6. Grace! I hope you're having fun! It sounds like it. Eat some fish and chips for me!
